Wednesday, April 4, 2012


Contentment. Something I'm striving for. I see so many people around me unhappy with the little things in their life that they should be happy about, but they focus on every little negative thing. If I can find one thing each day to be happy about, that should be a good day.  

Take my cats for example, well two of them anyway, cuddled up together. This is an every day occurrence. They sleep happily, grumble at each other on occasion, have the odd spat, but always back on MY footstool every night, sleeping contentedly, together.

In just a few days time, it will be me and my husbands 6th wedding anniversary. We're kinda like the cats. We may grumble at each other once in a while, but I always know when the day is over, he's going to curl up with me and sleep. I know he'll be there when I wake up and he'll be there to help put a smile on my face.  This picture sits on my bedside table, the glass cracked one morning when I was a little too enthusiastic hitting my snooze button, but that's like life isn't it? The little cracks may be there, but when it comes down to it, they don't mean a damn thing.

So here's to me, trying for contentment, trying to remember the things in life that make me happy, trying not to let the little cracks spoil what's really important and not really giving a damn anymore how I look in my pictures, just as long as I'm smiling.

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