Friday, April 13, 2012

The Sunflower Project

Anytime that we can get the kids involved and excited about gardening makes me happy.  Our five year old, PeeWee loves to putter about with us in the garden and wants to know all the names of the flowers and help pull weeds. Unfortunately, she doesn't always know what's a weed and what's a plant, but well, she's five.

I bought a little sunflower kit for her and for all of $1.00, she's planting her own sunflowers. It came with a small compressed compost disc that you add water to and it expands.  She thought that was amazing!  Then she planted the sunflower seeds and we've been keeping them watered. 

Well...they've sprouted! All of them!  I'm going to keep posting her sunflowers as they grow, she's so proud of them and super excited to transplant them in another week or so.

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